Do You Need a Garage Rebuild?
Garages can be everything from a simple spot to keep your tools and storage containers to a recreational room that can be enjoyed by the whole family. There are many different garage trends out there today that get even more creative with these spaces - outfitting them with everything from a 1920s sheik to an ultra-modern man cave outfitted with all the newest technology. As a homeowner, you might want to spin this room into a unique area that represents part of your personality or merely brings a much-needed facelift to a dilapidated area. If you are one of these homeowners a constant, pressing question might be on your mind: Do I need to do a complete garage rebuild? This can be an imposing prospect as knocking down your old garage and putting up a new one is no simple task, nor is it cheap. Knowing why you need to rebuild and many of the factors to consider before you commit should be known beforehand. Before going into the ins and outs of this though, let's just see if a simple remodel is more in tune with you.
Remodel vs Rebuild
Reinvigorating your garage space doesn't need a rebuild necessarily. Garages are held to the same standard as the rest of your home - so they are built to last for many decades. Before you start plans for changing up your garage you need to ask yourself a few questions. How long are you going to stay in your home? Do you want more space for cars or bigger living space? Answering these questions will give you an overall idea of how much you will be willing to invest in your garage. Obviously a simple remodel might be better if you don't think you'll be there for much longer. A general rule of thumb is that if you intend to stay five years or more than a full blown garage rebuild should be on the table. After you settle down on what you are willing to do, you need to take a look at the overall structure of your garage. Look everywhere from floor to ceiling inside and out. While cracks in the floor and walls that are a ¼" or less have simple repairs, anything larger than this might be a serious problem that can worsen as time goes on. If the roof has major leaking you might need to consider replacing the roof as well. Overall you need to figure out whether your garage's problems are purely cosmetic or have deep foundational problems. Something like a stained floor and beat up garage door might look bad, but can easily be cleaned and replaced. Typically any problems with the foundation or structure of the garage are usually past the point of a simple repair.Why Do a Rebuild?
There are many reasons to consider doing a rebuild of your garage. A garage with a bad structure or foundation can be a major safety concern. While more over-the-top events like it suddenly collapsing can occur, smaller but much more nefarious problems are more of an issue. A leaky roof can cause mold and mildew to grow into your garage and home, creating a wide range of respiratory problems and illnesses for you and your family. A garage that has shoddy framing can cause insulation problems letting humidity and wildlife into your home. Large cracks in the floor might be indicative of a sinkhole forming underneath your home. A rebuild doesn’t necessarily need to be a reaction to an overall problem in your home though. In building a new garage you can feel great in knowing that you’re getting a part of your home that is more closely aligned with your specifications. These areas can be specifically designed with the size and materials that you want. A newer garage can also save you money in the long run - while they can be a costly investment, a new garage will have to go through all the newest building techniques and use materials that are more energy saving than the older version. Finally, a new rebuild can lead to a return of investment anywhere from 55 to 65 percent.
What do I need to Consider for a Garage Rebuild?
There are many practical considerations you need to consider outside the simple need or want of doing a full-scale garage rebuild. For one, you need to consider all the costs associated with building a garage. While the amount can vary tremendously depending on what you need and your area, you can expect to pay $25,000 on average, with the range being as low as $6,000 and as high as $50,000. Generally, you can apply a cost of $30 per square foot for the simplest of garages. Mind you this cost doesn't necessarily include any tear out and debris removal - which can be potentially time-consuming and expensive. These costs can be reduced if you choose to carry out the labor yourself - it's important to note that if you are uncontracted you will still need some sort of licensed professional to come around and check all of your work. You also need to consider what type of garage you are going to want. While garages fundamentally all do the same thing, they can have a few different forms. More often than not they are typically divided into attached and detached. Attached garages are more common because they are more affordable. The guiding principle here is that it is easier and cheaper to build three walls rather than four. They are also more convenient as it is easier to use the old system to integrate into a new one if it is still attached. A separate garage does have the advantages of being a bit safer as a potential burglar would only have access to whatever is in the garage as opposed to the rest of the house. Overall you need to keep in mind other additional things like what materials you are going to use, windows, and the amount of insulation you want.
Final Thoughts
If you are thinking about a garage rebuild there are many factors to consider - the total space, what kind of garage that you want, and any additional energy saving products you want to integrate into it. The average cost nationwide comes to about $25,000 but it ultimately depends on the vision you want to carry out. There are many benefits to doing a rebuild despite it being an intensive construction project for one it increases the value of your home, but can also improve its overall safety. If your current garage only has minor things like moldy drywall, rusted garage door, and a stained floor, then a simple remodel of the current garage might be a better and cheaper option for you rather than a full rebuild. Whatever you choose a new garage can be just about anything you want it to be, all it takes is a little bit of planning and hard work to get done!Professional Garage Construction
Rebuilding a garage should take some planning and hard work. Thankfully, Danley's has been around since 1959 and we've built over 100,000 garages in Chicago and surrounding suburbs. At Danley's, You'll get a free quote on your new detached garage custom style and size. Speak to a specialist and get a free quote today.Get started with a FREE QUOTE
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