How to Prepare Your Garage for an Emergency
People always keep more than just their car in their garage. It has amassed boxes of old trophies, vintage photos, and family home movies for some people. Additionally, it may be a go-to place to store things like tennis tables, camping gear, sports memorabilia, pet supplies, and camping gear. How many items you keep in your garage, though, are actually helpful? Valuable? Worth retaining? In an emergency, would they assist? This article has compiled a list of essential items you should keep in your garage in case an emergency occurs rather than telling you how to clean out your garage and what to get rid of (only you can decide that). The following 16 things will make you especially grateful for your garage, regardless of whether a severe snowstorm keeps you and your family cooped up for weeks, or a tragic event actually occurs. It's important to properly prepare your garage for an emergency.
Canned Food
Choose canned foods that don't need refrigeration or heating when you stock up on them. In the power outage, canned fruits, vegetables, soups, and stews will be helpful. It would be particularly disturbing not to be able to open food cans when you need them, so don't forget to purchase a manual can opener to keep your emergency food supply.Snacks
Along with canned goods, you should always have a supply of snacks on hand. Look for non-perishable foods with long shelf life, such as cereal, granola bars, dried fruit, and crackers.Potable Water
Are you unsure of the quantity of water you should keep in your garage? For a family of four, experts advise at least one gallon per person daily for three days. Therefore, if your family consists of four people, you should always have at least 12 gallons of sealed water on hand.In-Home Essentials
First Aid Kit
A small, portable first aid kit like the one you keep in your car might not be adequate in an emergency. Instead, look for first aid kits that include iodine, painkillers, wrap bandages, alcohol prep pads, and Band-Aids.Lanterns Powered by Solar
Keep a few solar-powered lanterns in garage instead of candles, which can start dangerous house fires. Detachable solar panels are built into solar-powered lanterns, allowing you to charge them during the day when you're not using them.Flashlights
Many flashlights are already lying around your home, but do you know if their batteries are still good? Do the bulbs have power? Along with ensuring you have 4 or 5 flashlights on hand, purchase a few packs of batteries and extra bulbs.Sanitary Goods
Keep sanitary goods like toilet paper, napkins, tissue packs, wet wipes, face wipes, trash bags, buckets, and feminine hygiene products in your garage. Being clean can go a long way in helping you maintain your emotions during an emergency.Whistles
These will enable you and your family to seek help if necessary.Clothespins
Even though your dryer may not show any signs of slowing down anytime soon, you would still need to wash and dry your clothes by hand in the event of a protracted power outage. In addition to allowing, you to hang-dry your clothes, clothespins can also help preserve the freshness of your food.Extra Clothing and Blankets
Keep some extra sets of clothes on hand for each family member because you never know how long it might take to get access to power. Also, in case of a winter emergency, keep a few extra blankets in your garage.Sewing Kit
If a coat button came off or a pants zipper broke in the middle of a winter snowstorm, a basic sewing kit with scissors, needles, thread, buttons, and safety pins would be helpful.Toothbrushes and Toothpaste
These items need no further explanation as they are basic necessities. In an emergency, they can also serve as floor scrubbers and stain removers.Outdoor Essentials
If there is a heavy downpour, these will aid in keeping flood waters away from your house. Additionally, you can use the sand to improve the traction of your driveway in snowy and icy conditions.Snow Shovels
No matter where you reside, you most likely already have a snow shovel on hand. However, it's a good idea to have three or four on hand in case one is insufficient. Additionally, you should keep a few metal shovels in your garage because they can be used for a variety of tasks in the event of an emergency.Rock Salt
Residents of cold areas depend on rock salt during the winter; if you need to remove a car from a snow drift or melt substantial amounts of snow or ice, you'll depend on it even more. In your garage, keep a 50-pound bag. When the rock salt is opened, place it in a bucket with a lid to keep moisture from contaminating it.Power Outage Emergency
An electrical outage could happen at any time. Even if there are no storms, heavy rain, or strong winds in the forecast, the power grid could still go down for reasons like equipment failure and wildlife interference. The inconveniences and risks associated with a protracted power outage are reduced by being well-prepared. We'll make sure you have everything you need to know about how to be ready for the next time your power goes out. Keep reading below.A List of Emergency Numbers
Place this sheet of paper somewhere everyone can see it, such as on the fridge or next to your home phone, and write down all the necessary emergency contact information, such as the local fire department, your power or hydro company, your doctor, etc.A Generator System
During a protracted power outage, a portable generator can come in handy. Make sure you understand how to use it properly though. Because it emits carbon monoxide, never use it inside your house or close to a window.Emergency Kit
Create an emergency supply kit that will keep you and your family fed and comfortable for at least three days without power. A first aid kit, plenty of non-perishable food, a manual can opener, a flashlight, candles, and plenty of water should all be included. Keep it in a location that is simple to get to.Carbon Monoxide Detector
There is a higher risk of carbon monoxide poisoning when combustible fuels are used when there is a power outage. Being aware of what to do in case of a power outage is another aspect of being prepared. Discover the source. Make sure your home is the only one without power before assuming that your neighbors are also affected. Check your circuit breaker panel or fuse box if it appears that only your home is affected. Contact the power company if other homes on your street experience similar problems. Cut the power to your electronics. When the power grid eventually restarts, power surges could occur. These surges could harm delicate electronic parts in TVs, computers, and appliances. Turn off the lights, unplug all of your electronics, and do this as a precaution (except one so that you can tell when the power has returned). Remain informed. Check for any status updates regarding the power outage using your mobile device or a battery-operated radio. Try to keep the refrigerator shut. As long as you can, keep the doors to your freezer and refrigerator closed. When not opened, a refrigerator can keep food cold for about four hours. Additionally, food can remain frozen in an unopened freezer for 24 to 36 hours. That’s why Danley’s Garages is #1 in Chicagoland for detached garage construction. Speak to a specialist and get a free quote today.Get started with a FREE QUOTE
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